A Speaking Technique for Self-Driven Interactive Robot

Kentaro Ishii, Yasuhiko Hato, Thomas Kanold, Michita Imai

A Speaking Technique


We propose a function introduction interaction, which encourages human-robot interaction on first contact with a self-driven interactive robot. The function introduction interaction aims to cause a person's interest by asking the person to watch the robot's interactive function. We developed a promotion robot and conducted a field experiment to verify effectiveness of the function introduction interaction, and analyzed interaction logs, recorded videos, and questionnaire answers. The results showed that the function introduction interaction enabled the robot to perform its task and decreased the feeling of being interrupted.


(in Japanese) Kentaro Ishii, Yasuhiko Hato, Thomas Kanold, Michita Imai.
A Speaking Technique for Self-Driven Interactive Robot.
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.21, No.5, pp.693-700, October 2009.
